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CVDA Attracts Exceptional Students

Aug 30, 2016 | Blog, Bottom Home Page

As we get ready to launch another exciting year of dance at Chehalem Valley Dance Academy, we’re happy to highlight some of the outstanding endeavors our dancers accomplish outside of the studio. This post is the first of many features where you can read about the high-caliber individuals who attend classes at CVDA. Enjoy!

Newberg studio:

IMG_5249Lauren Krebs, age 16, is a student at Newberg High School and has been dancing with CVDA for 13 years. She is also a member of the Performing Company. Lauren has a 4.0 cumulative GPA and was recently inducted into the National Honor Society. Last year Lauren was co-captain for Relay for Life and her team, “Team Krebs Crusaders” were one of the top 10 teams for fundraising. Lauren started working at Coffee Barn this summer and also babysits for several families in her free time.


IMG_9441Hannah Stolpp, age 6, has been dancing at CVDA for one year. Hannah enjoys doing community service projects, along with her family and church, Newberg Christian Church. Most recently she helped establish a school garden at her school, Mabel Rush Elementary. Hannah helped fill planter boxes with soil and spread bark chips.


20160306_123024Noelle Watson, age 12, is a student at Mountainview Middle School. She has been dancing at CVDA for 2 years. Noelle is a Girl Scout and recently earned her Silver Award as a Cadette. Her troop installed flower beds and new signage at a park in the town of Lafayette.


McMinnville Studio:

onstage 2016 leg upAnna Coy, age 15, has been dancing at CVDA for 3 years and is a member of the Performing Company. She will be a sophomore at McMinnville High School. As freshman she maintained a 4.0 GPA the entire year. Anna volunteers once a month at her church’s soup kitchen: she serves food and cleans tables at Sunday Supper, an outreach program of McMinnville Covenant Church. She also helps out once a month in the toddler and nursery rooms during the church service.


Vivian needle picVivian Nice, age 15, is entering her sophomore year at Mac High. She is a member of the Performing Company and starting her 10th year dancing at CVDA. As a freshman, Vivian was on honor roll all year and selected as one of two students to be a sophomore representative for Leadership this year. This summer Vivian (and Anna) participated in a mission trip to Portland with the McMinnville Covenant Church youth group. They volunteered at the Oregon Food Bank, served the homeless at Night Strike, and completed home improvement projects at Dignity Village.


Pose-4970webErszi Olsen, age 14, will be a freshman at McMinnville High School. Erszi is a Performing Company member and has been dancing at CVDA for two years. As an 8th grader at Duniway Middle School, Erszi was on honor roll all year. Recently she volunteered with the Soroptimist International group at the Hearts and Hands event at Wascher Elementary. She also helped with the Community Connect event, doing activities with the children while the moms “shopped” for clothes.

Check back next month to read about more great achievements and happenings with our exceptional humans!