CVDA Newberg’s Little Lobby

Feb 1, 2017 | Blog, Performing Company

We hope you have noticed some changes in the Newberg studio’s Little Lobby.  The Senior Performing Company Members were tasked with a self-directed leadership project.  I feel it is important for the girls to interact in different social and structural cooperative environments to better understand teamwork and leadership roles.  We have a couple of finishing touches like instructor photos and a stretching wall (sorry – big girls only for safety!).  Please take the time to look around and notice the details – the chalkboard PC schedule, the fairy lights, the makeup mirror for last minute hair needs, and the more open concept.  Read below for their blurb about the project.

CVDA Senior PC 2016-2017

CVDA Senior PC 2016-2017

This lobby remodel was a project planned and executed by the 2016-2017 Seniors Performing Company group. We voted each other into positions and assigned each person, or group of people in a position, certain tasks. We mapped out a plan for the current look of the studio and everything that was in it, and then mapped out a plan for what we wanted to include and change in the remodel without going over our budget of $250. After that, we split up into two teams to go out and purchase all the paint and decor we needed. Our next step was to put it all together, so we set three days of Christmas Break and got to work. We hope you enjoy the new lobby as much as we do!Â