Get Swept Up In The Back To School Spirit – enroll at CVDA today!

Sep 6, 2014 | Blog

You can smell it, can’t you? Even though the sun still radiates some heat, the deliciousness of all that comes with fall signifies the seasons are a-changing. Here at CVDA we love back-to-school season! New teachers, crisp supplies, fun wardrobes, and – getting back into the routine of doing things we love….like dance classes!


Sometimes it’s hard to decide the best time to enroll in dance. We’re here to assure you that any time is beneficial, but the BEST time is in the fall when dancers head back to school. And here’s why:

  1. Beginning a new activity at the same time school kicks back into gear is ideal. Kids are open to learning and adapting to new schedules at this time. It’s also easier to form new habits during the back to school season. Set your dancer up for success in school and extra-curricular activities (in this case, dance) and establish the good habits and manageable schedules now
  2. Joining a new peer group with common interests helps kids make new friends and gain a sense of belonging. Learning and improving their dance skills boosts confidence. These can help enhance your dancer’s self esteem, especially if there is social drama at school. Dance class is a wonderful release and a safe, encouraging environment.
  3. The physical exertion at dance class increases strength, flexibility, and stamina early on the year. Regular exercise helps your dancer sleep better, too. Dance workouts also release endorphins, those feel-good brain chemicals that help kids (and grown ups!) manage moods.
  4. Starting dance classes in September gives your dancer the opportunity to learn the importance of long-term goal setting. They set dance goals in September and create specific objectives to reach those goals. Striving toward a goal for nine months that is achieved at the Showcase in May is a valuable lesson that transfers to real life. And a great sense of accomplishment!
  5. Getting involved in classes from the get-go allows a dancer to progress at a rate congruent with the class. Oftentimes when dancers join a class in the winter they have play “catch up” and may feel a bit behind until they do. Starting in September maximizes opportunities for growth and improvement the whole year.

CVDA Dancers participate in the Newberg Old Fashioned Festival Parade

So, what are you waiting for? The time is now. If you haven’t registered, it’s not too late. Click here. We can’t wait to see you in class!