Staying Safe at CVDA

Sep 26, 2020 | Blog, News and Events, Studio News

We are thrilled to have our doors back open and dancers back in the studio!  We have taken the time to tape off our floors and measure out spaces for each dancer. This gives all of our dancers enough space for social distancing and to meet all current state requirements. It is our commitment to our core values that ensures that our reopening guidelines are for the greater good of the community, include more options for training, and keep the protection of our staff and students as the top priority.

CVDA Covid Protocols
• Face coverings: required for all instructors in person, required for dancers in and out and moving around the studio, highly recommended when in social distance individual dance space

• Entrances and exits: clearly marked with entrance for classes by students only, and pick up. Instructors and admin will escort dancers outside for pick up. 

• Handwashing and sanitizer: provided throughout the studio and required before and after all classes (administered by spray / by instructor) 

• Social distancing: regardless of any personal opinions regarding social distancing, we are required to maintain social distancing within the studio. Each dancer will have their own taped off space and will not be allowed to touch other dancers or the staff. Even if you have been hugging those people outside of the studio. 

• Cleaning / sanitizing: we are required to clean our touch points after each group of dancers. This means that bathrooms will be isolated for certain studios and that we will have to break for cleaning between classes – therefore creating gaps in the schedule that requires parental supervision. 

• Water bottles: the water filling stations are closed and dancers will need to provide their own water for every class. 

If your dancer has been exposed to Covid-19 or is demonstrating flu-like symptoms, a cough, excessive sneezing, and/or a fever, your dancer will need to remain at home. 

Additional CVDA Safety Steps Include:
• All instructors and staff will be masked at all times.

• All classes will have a designated entrance point and exit point.

• All dancers will need to be dropped off at the door and picked up from their exit promptly.

• Masks are required for entrance / exit for dancers and optional for in classes.

• Upon arrival, dancers will have their hands sprayed with CDC approved sanitizer, temperature taken, and walked to their studio. Dancers will then change into appropriate footwear and be placed in their 6 foot, socially distanced pre-marked space. They will have their bag and water bottle within reach. 

• At the end of class, dancers will change their footwear and will have their hands sprayed again and be escorted to the specified exit to be picked up promptly. 

• We will be sanitizing the touch points between each class and have hand sanitizer in every room. We are currently NOT doing across the floor. 

• Each studio location will be thoroughly cleaned every night after in-person classes occur. 

• Dancers who are symptomatic are not allowed into CVDA. 

• We are required to log the attendance of every dancer in the event the request for contact tracing occurs. Our staff will keep these logs on site.

It should go without saying, but there are no hugs, hand shakes, or high-fives. No shared equipment, no hands on corrections, and no partnering. Even dancers of the same family or who are hanging out / touching outside of CVDA are required to maintain social distancing for our state requirements. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in the dancer being asked to remain virtual. This is not a punishment, it is a solution to ensure the safest possible experience for everyone associated with CVDA. 

Any questions should be directed toÂ