CVDA Alumni: living examples of “dance skills are life skills” The CVDA family extends beyond our current dancers and parents to our wonderful alumni. Over the next couple of months we are excited to feature former dancers who have carried the lessons learned at...
Last month we shared about the partnership between Chehalem and the Newberg High School dance team. CVDA has another community partner: George Fox University. Kristen Stoller is currently an adjunct dance professor and has been the dance team coach at the college in...
Chehalem Valley Dance Academy is excited to feature Charissa Fuller for our Instructor Spotlight this month. Charissa, now a college sophomore, started dancing at CVDA when she was 7 years old. She spent 9 years dancing on the Performing Company. After graduating from...
It’s almost showtime! CVDA’s annual showcase is set for May 23rd and May 24th at Bauman Auditorium on the George Fox University campus. Click here to buy your tickets. Between now and then, the intensity (in various classes) may seem like it’s ramping up….and it...