New dancers and their families have a lot of choices when it comes to selecting where to take dance classes. There are private studios, rented studios, even parks and recreation classes throughout the valley. The staff at Chehalem Valley Dance Academy recognizes you...
Karley Styles is a home-grown CVDA dancer and instructor. Her first class at CVDA was jazz at the age of 10. One year later the studio launched their Elite Performing Company (for middle level dancers between junior and senior teams) and Karley was one of their...
The Fall Schedule is posted! See Fall 2014-2015 tab and then select the location you wish to attend. The link will open to a full schedule that is easy to print. Online registration is open until December. For questions regarding placement, email...
We had a blast at Onstage NY Dance Competition this past weekend! We started at 7:30am on Friday at the Oregon Convention Center and finished up at 11:30pm Sunday. Some of our favorite moments include: congratulating dancers as they came off stage with hugs, high...
Watching dancers perform is an incredibly aesthetic experience that can evoke lots of different emotions for the audience. All the hours of instruction + practice, sweat, corrections, achy muscles, and fatigue pay off when a dancer executes a beautiful dance. ...