Showcase FAQ

Showcase FAQ

Our 2022 Spring Showcase is right around the corner! We are so excited for all of our dancers to have the chance to show off everything they’ve been learning and working so hard on. Showcase is a great chance for dance families and friends to get to see the...
Performing Company @ Dance Celebrity 2022

Performing Company @ Dance Celebrity 2022

Our Performing Company dancers competed at their last competition for this season at Dance Celebrity (@dancecelebrity)! We are so proud of our dancers for their teamwork, support and growth this season! We wanted to give a HUGE congratulations to our dancers for the...
Spring 2022 Parent Participation Week

Spring 2022 Parent Participation Week

We had a blast at Parent Participation Week. So many families stretched, cartwheeled, butterflied, and twirled together. We got to see many parents show off their skills (clearly trained dancers – want to be on our sub list? ;)) from tap to tumbling, ballet,...
Summer Dance @ CVDA!

Summer Dance @ CVDA!

Summer session classes are a great way to improve a dancer’s ability quickly.  Without the need to learn choreography for a show, instructors are free to focus on technique and develop a dancer’s individual strengths.  These months are a great time to try a new class,...
Act 1 2022 Results

Act 1 2022 Results

Whew! 2 competition weekends back to back was A LOT! We are all recovering from long nights and early mornings, hairspray, and smiling. We got to see each others faces! We also had some of the best performances by so many of our dancers and dances. We hung out...
Spring 2022 Bring a Friend Week!

Spring 2022 Bring a Friend Week!

Bring-A-Friend Week Info March 14th – 19th is Bring-A-Friend Week at all of our Chehalem Valley Dance Academy studios.  This is a very fun time of year when our current dancers get to invite their friends to dance class.  Friends and dancers will do warm up,...