The new year is bringing some new faces to our studios. First and foremost, McMinnville and Newberg students – please welcome back to CVDA, the founder and original owner of CVDA, Miss Rachel!!! We are THRILLED to have Miss Rachel returning to the studio and...
We talk a lot about the CVDA family, as every dancer can find a sense of belonging here. But did you know about all the families who have more than one dancer at Chehalem Valley Dance Academy? That’s right. There are 49 sets of siblings who dance at both Newberg and...
The Fall Schedule is posted! See Fall 2014-2015 tab and then select the location you wish to attend. The link will open to a full schedule that is easy to print. Online registration is open until December. For questions regarding placement, email...
After seven years of operating a satellite studio, Chehalem Valley Dance Academy is thrilled to open up our very own space in McMinnville. The Studio, located at 206 NE Evans Street in the heart of downtown Mac, will house CVDA and 4 Elements. As you read this,...